who I am and why I’m here

I’m not normally a big fan of Neil Diamond but this song really strikes a chord:


“Well, I’m New York City born and raised

But nowadays, I’m lost between two shores

LA’s fine, but it ain’t home

New York’s home but it ain’t mine no more”


Having spent 16 years living outside my home culture and absolutely loving it, I’m now negotiating the crazy world that is re-entry.  I am at a point of trying to figure out how the different strands of my life make a whole, of how all the colourful fragments come together to form a beautiful mosaic.


I am enthralled by all things cross-cultural – stories, reflections and even the theory.  Connecting with others who are walking this path as well helps me reflect on my own experience, get better at helping others negotiate the route, acknowledge and understand the pain that goes with it as well as have plenty of laughs along the way.



Hopefully this blog will provide just that – a space to tell stories, to reflect and to engage with others.  Looking forward to lots of conversations!


4 thoughts on “who I am and why I’m here

  1. Great idea! It helps to process thoughts and feelings when you write them down. I don’t have a blogspot, but I’ve “bookmarked” yours and will watch it regularly. 🙂 Some people find crossing cultures really hard — but you seem to have a “gift” for it. God’s grace plus easy-going personality I suppose… 🙂

  2. Wonderful! From another who finds cross-culture topics endlessly fascinating…

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